Disadvantages of hire purchase to the customers in business

The followings are disadvantages of hire purchase to the customers:

Hire purchase cost more than when purchasing through cash.So the customer spends more on goods by purchasing through hire purchase than when he/she had considered purchasing the said good through cash.

The customer is not the owner of the goods and services since when he/she defaults to pay the remaining monthly installment's,then the seller has the rights to possess back the goods and services he/she had sold to the customer.

The customer is not in comfort zone since while he/she thinks of other bills to be paid,he/she also thinks on how to pay the hire purchase installment's amounts.

In most cases,their are no after sales even when their is,then the after sales service offered to goods which has been purchased through hire purchase is very minimal as compared to the service offered incase the goods was purchased through cash since the seller does not want to incur extra expenses in offering more services to goods which has been purchased through hire purchase.


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