How to work comfortably within your business organization's

You will work comfortably within the business by considering the following factors:

You should avoid wearing tight fitting attire such as tight clothes,tight ties,tight belts,tight shoes as these tight attires will make you become uncomfortable while working.

The working desks and chairs should be of sufficient height and sufficient space for workers to work with ease and should be made of good materials to avoid back ache.

You should arrive at business/work station on time so that you get ample time to go through the previous incomplete work and also to arrange properly the current tasks.

You should ensure you complete easy task quickly and fast before doing heavy and difficult tasks.

You should ensure you have all the working equipments/facilities in advance to avoid getting tired moving around looking for other equipments in the middle of work.

You should delegate other tasks to junior staffs/your assistance workers to avoid overloading yourself with work.

You should ensure their is no any form of disturbance while working within the business.

You should give yourself some break's in the middle of work to stretch around alittle to avoid stress,strain or arching your body.


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